
~ WWW Wednesdays ~

Welcome to WWW Wednesday! This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking on a World of Words. To participate, you just answer the three questions below and leave a link to your post in the comments for others to look at. No blog? No problem! Just leave a comment with your responses. Please, take some time to visit the other participants and see what others are reading. So, letโ€™s get to it!

What are you currently reading?

What did you recently finish reading?

**You can click on the covers to access my reviews**

What do you think youโ€™ll read next?

I cannot believe the Once and Future Queen series is over, as it was a fantastic ride! The review for Legend of the Lakes was one of the hardest to write as I had an extremely long list of thoughts, but all of them involved a type of spoiler and I did not want to affect someone else’s experience. Now, I am working on completing The Folk of the Air series before returning to the Blood and Ash series. Both of those series were a little more involved and take several days for me to finish (given that I only have time to read about 100 or so pages a day). Therefore, I had to temporarily put them to the side while I complete my other novels for ARCs and blog tours.

Two of the three of my current reads are for blog tours that take place tomorrow (Thursday) and Friday. I am trying to finish them and get my thoughts written out, so I can post my reviews on time. My two guaranteed next reads are both ARCs (one from Netgalley and one from Edelweiss) and, of course, I will need to read the final novel, The Queen of Nothing, as I am told The Wicked King has a cliffhanger ending.

I am still doing fairly well with my reading this week compared to last as I am doing a similar level. I have been lucky not to be in a reading slump this month, but typically my reading goes in waves, so it might start to slow down again by the time May starts. I am attempting to keep up my pattern of a review a day, but it really just depends on when I finish a book (reading or listening). At the moment, I write a review immediately after finishing a novel and my thoughts that are posted are my initial ones and are rarely edited (apologies for grammar/spelling mistakes along the way for any past, present, or future post). I hope to fit in more since I am in a very reading centric mood, but we shall see what I come up with for my list. Happy Wednesday and Happy Reading!

4 thoughts on “~ WWW Wednesdays ~

  1. Yay for being in a reading centric mood! That’s awesome ๐Ÿ˜Š I’m sort of in a similar mood but my problem is when it comes to writing reviews cos it’s been a chore lately and I’m tired ๐Ÿ˜‚ I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts on Unwritten and TWK! It does have a cliffhanger ending but it’s also my favourite in the series. Happy reading, Etta!

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    1. Agree that writing reviews can be a chore, especially when you’re either not in the mood or just want to use the time to read another book. I’m glad you’re at least in a similar reading mood as they are great ways to relax when tired, at least for me. ๐Ÿ˜€

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