
~ Book Review: Accidentally in Love ~

Published: September 11, 2020

Author: Belinda Missen

Don’t miss the new laugh-out-loud rom com from the author of One Week ’Til Christmas! Perfect for fans of Mhairi McFarlane, Rosie Walsh and Josie Silver.

In the space of a week, Katharine Patterson has quit her job, decided to move back home, and broken up with the guy she thought was the one.

No big deal.

Because Katharine has a plan. She’s going to open her own art gallery, just like she’s always wanted. What she’s not going to do is worry about boyfriends.

Then she meets Kit, a handsome and talented local artist. He might be the most stubborn person Katharine has ever met. He might also make her feel like no one ever has before.

And Katharine might be about to fall accidentally in love…

Accidentally in Love is my first novel by Belinda Missen. While it is labeled as a rom-com, I would place it more with women’s fiction over romance as the love interest doesn’t become a major plot point until later in the novel. He is introduced early on, but the actual romance is not explored until later. The novel follows Katharine Patterson who has been passed over yet again for a promotion at the gallery, so she quits. She decides to move back to her hometown where she dreams of opening her own gallery. This was a relatable storyline as most people have been in a position where they were unjustly passed over a job that they deserved.

The pacing is slower as the author takes a long time to establish Katherine as a character. Her life leading up to the move is described in a lot of detail, so it does take time for the move and gallery storylines to take place. Once she moves to her hometown then love interests are introduced, Christopher and Kit. There are events that occur between everyone that leads to a romance for the end. I did enjoy the romance when it finally got there, but it did take longer than I expected. I think my expectations were off with this as it took longer to get to the romance in a romance novel. I think some of the characters were well-written while others needed a little reworking as they came across more unlikable than I think the author intended. (I don’t want to go into too much detail to not spoil it.) Overall, I think this novel was cute and worth the read.

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