
~ Spell the Month in Books – AUGUST ~

The meme originated from Reviews from the Stacks.

The rules for this one are simple: Each month you spell the month in books (Initial articles – The, A, and An – do not count.)

There are three main ways to choose the books: you can use the books that you have already read, books that are on your TBR shelf, or you can do the option I chose and do a mix of both. The creator for this has themes for each month with August being “Series – Books that are part of a series, or the name of the series itself.”

** Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links, including Amazon, and I may earn a small commission, at no cost to you, if you purchase through my links. These pennies per purchase contribute to feeding my love of reading and blogging. **

All of Us Villains (All of Us Villains #1) & American Royals (American Royals #1)


Unravel the Dusk (Blood of Stars #2) & Unseelie (Unseelie Duology #1)


Gilded (Gilded #1) & Geekerella (Once Upon a Con #1)


(The) Unhoneymooners (Unhoneymooners #1) & Unearthly (Unearthly #1)


Sea Witch (Sea Witch #1) & Sky in the Deep (Sky & Sea #1)


Take the Lead (Dance Off #1) & Ten Rules for Faking It (Jansen Brothers #1)


Happy Reading in August!

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