
Audiobook Review: Vines of Promise and Deceit (A Mage’s Influence #2)

Published February 2, 2022

Author: Melanie Cellier

Narrator: Kira Fixx

Audiobook Length: 9 hours 48 minutes

With the nomad delegation in Tartora, a royal tour is underway. But with the threat from both the raiders and the fallen kingdom itself growing, Cadence and Zeke’s charade is stretched to the breaking point as they fight to protect their friends. But as Cadence struggles to keep them all alive, she refuses to give up on helping her sister—if only she knew how to do that.

But Airlie isn’t helpless. Determined to find answers about her and Cadence’s heritage, Airlie is still willing to do anything to protect her sister. But Cadence is moving beyond her reach, and even Airlie’s enormous power might be helpless to defeat the looming danger that’s threatening the tour.

Vines of Promise and Deceit (#2)
Thorns of Hope and Betrayal (#3)
Forests of Grandeur and Malice (#4)

Find It On: Goodreads / Amazon

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Vines of Promise and Deceit is the second novel in the A Mage’s Influence series. This story is a continuation from the first novel, so readers should read the novels in order if they want a more comprehensive understanding of the plot and characters. The series follows two sisters, Cadence and Airlie, and the magic they possess. While the first novel only included the POV of Cadence, this novel adds in the POV of Airlie. I loved this addition as I felt it was difficult connect to Airlie in the first novel. With the dual POV, I do wish that the audiobook had two narrators instead of one as I love the clear distinction with the POVs.  The sisters care a lot about each other but have a lot of insecurities when it comes to the other. Their relationship is explored a lot in this story, but there is still a long way to go in the series.

In this part of the series, Airlie has disappeared, and Candence needs to figure out why. While that is taking place, a royal tour happens to solidify an alliance between the nomads and Tartora. There is more that happens, but it is difficult to discuss without spoilers. I will say that I did enjoy the pacing of this story more compared to the first, although it was still slower than expected. I think this is due to this being a four novel series compared to a trilogy, which means the action needs to be spread out a little more. The romances are slowly developing, but nothing is firmly set in stone yet. I enjoyed this interesting approach to romance as many series tend to establish romances earlier and while I can predict the ending, there is still a little mystery left. Overall, I think this was a nice second novel in a series.

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